Post by skytteflickan88 on Feb 16, 2009 10:06:15 GMT -5
Is FPI the only place that will sell it?
Post by Lior Knight on Feb 16, 2009 11:18:00 GMT -5
Is FPI the only place that will sell it? Only at the moment. These will be available in other stores as well.
Post by skytteflickan88 on Feb 16, 2009 12:47:31 GMT -5
Good. Hopefully it will be in several UK online stores(less shipping for me) and one of them will have it for 9.99(unless one of them will have a sale. I could dream.).
So, do you guys think this will sell well or be a loss? It's not superlimited, is it?
Does anyone buy the ordinary dvd collection+magazine btw? I wonder if it would be worth getting the magazines. (The discs don't even have special features, do they?)
Post by madvicks on Feb 16, 2009 14:48:43 GMT -5
The discs are a rerelease of the original discs and so yes there are special features such as the commetary that JW did. The DVD and magazines were not impressive to me, so I got the first one which was a special price of £1.99 (I think) and skipped the rest.
Post by esc on Feb 16, 2009 15:07:02 GMT -5
I just typed into Yahoo and there seems to be a few online stores in the U.S. selling the Marvel and DC lines for $12-$14 USD which gives us hope across the pond.
I am getting excited by the day these get released. They are small and inexpensive enough to collect the entire series.
Post by bagofknives on Feb 16, 2009 15:18:00 GMT -5
I get the DVD Magazines and I really like the magazine but thats just a personal choice I guess!
Post by skytteflickan88 on Feb 17, 2009 9:05:19 GMT -5
What's in the mags? Anything unic/cool? Or just the ordinary shallow stuff that can be found in any magazine featuring a special on Buffy?
Post by madvicks on Feb 17, 2009 9:30:57 GMT -5
What's in the mags? Anything unic/cool? Or just the ordinary shallow stuff that can be found in any magazine featuring a special on Buffy? That was my feeling, a lot of what had already been presented in the official magazine or places like SFX or Dreamwatch.
Post by Lior Knight on Feb 21, 2009 18:22:39 GMT -5
Guys, I'd be forwarding you questions to Alan tomorrow, so is there anything else you'd like to ask him?
Potential Slayer
Posts: 400
Post by JP on Feb 23, 2009 22:20:23 GMT -5
1. Is there any chance the frequency of releases will be increased based on solid sales for the first characters? I would jump into this line if I knew it would have the depth of the Marvel line.
2. Are you interested in actually releasing the entire main cast? Or is that probably not something that's going to happen?
3. Will Angel the series be getting an accompanying line?
4. Assuming success, when you choose characters, will you also release the monsters, or do humans/vamps have all the preference? I would LOVE a Buffy line-up that could actually pull off some monsters (though I'd avoid The Judge for awhile - I think he's a kiss of death character!).
5. Any US distribution yet?
Post by thegrimreaper on Feb 24, 2009 4:29:41 GMT -5
Post by Scullow on Feb 24, 2009 4:54:17 GMT -5
Thanx for the heads up Grim. :-)
Post by madvicks on Feb 24, 2009 15:37:35 GMT -5
You click and it says come back Thursday the 12th March! I'll forget by then!
Post by whitecandy on Feb 25, 2009 9:49:10 GMT -5
I subscribe to the magazine and dvd collection (I know, I know, it is mostly the same as in various books and the bought dvds, which I have, but I just like getting new Buffy stuff through the post, kind of makes it seem like it is still going, sad I know...) and I had an email from them this afternoon saying that as a subscriber I will automatically get signed up for the figurine collection, at the special price, and I only have to let them know if I don't want it. Saves forgetting to sign up anyway for those of us who subscribe I am quite excited about these figures, the photos so far look very good, and makes a nice change to have some smaller figures to collect rather than the 6" and 12" ones that are currently taking over my whole house lol
Post by thegrimreaper on Feb 25, 2009 10:59:34 GMT -5
Size of these figures I think is what will make them sell well. As you rightly say most of th ecurrent stuff available is 6" and over, it doesn't take long for a collection to over-run the house Lord of the rings series was too small (physically) but with the MARVEL, DC and now BUFFY collection Eaglemoss have struck a chord at the hearts of fans and collectors. - size-wise they are bob-on and price-wise....mnnnn do I buy one big statue at £150 or do I plump for 15 or so little ones that can be mixed and matched as I see fit. way to go EM....
Post by Lior Knight on Feb 26, 2009 12:11:17 GMT -5
Alan answered our questions so here is the first Q&A: Q. I live in France, will it possible for me to buy it on the official website ? A. I'm afraid not. It's all do do with licenses. We are looking into ways of selling it in France it's not going to happen straight away. Might be worth trying Forbidden Planet.Q. Will Angel the series be getting an accompanying line? A. We're actually doing them as one collection, so Angel won't be separate. It's early days so it really depends how much money they make. I'm hopeful we'll be able to do more but that's just my inner-Whedon fan talking. The first batch I'm putting together is more Buffy-based. I also have to be careful of spoilers for people reading the DVD Collection as many of them have probably never seen the show so putting Fred (or better still Illyria) would give quite a few things away.Q. Any chance this line will complete the line-up of twelve main actors? A. At the moment we're looking at 10 but if sales do well I'm sure they'll be more. If the first issue does really well, the first thing the management will be saying is let's get more out.Q. Is there any chance the frequency of releases will be increased based on solid sales for the first characters? I would jump into this line if I knew it would have the depth of the Marvel line. A. Possibly after the third or fourth special, I think the onsale dates for this year are pretty much set now.Q. Are you interested in actually releasing the entire main cast? Or is that probably not something that's going to happen? A. I'm interested in having as many-Bufy related figurines as possible. As well as the main cast I'd like to see all the Big Bads, Harmony, Connor, the spooky guys from Hush but at the moment it really all depends on sales of the first special.Q. Assuming success, when you choose characters, will you also release the monsters, or do humans/vamps have all the preference? I would LOVE a Buffy line-up that could actually pull off some monsters (though I'd avoid The Judge for awhile - I think he's a kiss of death character!). A. I tell you what, if it does do well they'll be wanting to do a larger Mega-Special along the lines of Galactus for the Marvel Collection. I'll have to give this some thought to see which monsters work best. Another possibility is to do double-packed specials. It's something we've just explored with the Marvel Collection and really depends on how financially viable it proves to be.Q. Any US distribution yet? A. Not yet but it's something we're working on.He also mention we will be seeing images of painted Spike prototype soon and that the company now works on concept for Faith. So things are looking good. ;D If you have more question post them in the thread and I will email them to Alan later on.
Post by whitecandy on Feb 26, 2009 12:56:49 GMT -5
Wow thank you for posting all this, it is really helpful I am looking forward to these, roll on 19th March!!!
Post by Scullow on Feb 26, 2009 16:03:42 GMT -5
Only 15 more days to go & then we can all start ordering. :-)))
Post by turok on Feb 26, 2009 18:23:28 GMT -5
Thank you...sad news for me...forbidden planet, I don't want to buy from them since a long time...I think I'll have to wait.
Post by nickclark89 on Feb 26, 2009 21:57:32 GMT -5
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's so cool that the characters of Buffy and Angel are in one same collection! new question: Does the collection will be distributed in Spain and South America?